
Archive for the ‘Daily Ramblings’ Category


In Daily Ramblings on 02.18.2010 at 11:39 PM

This afternoon I took a really good shower.  I mean a REALLY good shower.  I hate showering.  This does not mean that I do not shower as often as I should… because I hate smelling and being “that girl” more than I hate showering.  What this does mean is that I find it to be an inconvenient chore that either requires that I a) wake up earlier than I would like to, b) go to bed later than I would like, or c) take a shower in the middle of the day, thus ensuring I have bad hair the rest of the day as it goes through that awkward phase of drying.  (Why don’t I just blow dry my hair?  You guessed it– YAWN.)

Due to the fact that I hate showering and find it to be an incredible waste of time, I often cut corners.  Examples including only shaving up to mid-calf if the only danger I face is my pant leg slipping up and revealing a little ankle or shaving all the way up to my knee if I have a little more time.  I rarely shave my entire leg because that’s a lot of ground to cover and before you know it 15 minutes have passed and you’ve got cold water running down your back and you still have half a leg to go.  Or I’ll cut a corner or two post-shower, such as only applying lotion to the skin visible to the naked eye.

But today!  Today I got the rare opportunity to take a shower in the middle of the day (avoiding the sleep-depriving dilemma I often face) because I did not have any obligations.  This allowed me to not cut any corners.  As I write this blog, I celebrate fully shaved legs, air-dried hair, thoroughly hydrated skin, and I even painted my toenails.

Did I really just confess I sometimes only shave my ankles?…